PairPal's Commands (11)

PairPal uses Slash Commands which is a user friendly way to interact with apps on Discord! Below you can find various commands that can be used to interact with the bot.

  • /setup

    Setup the bot in your server.

  • /discover

    Find people to talk to based on topics of interest

  • /leave-queue

    Leave the matchmaking queue

  • /end-chat

    End a conversation

  • /guidelines

    PairPal's guidelines

  • /view-queue

    View the number of users in the queue based on interest.

  • /vote-reminders

    Get voting reminders for PairPal on

  • report

    Used to report a message within your chat by right clicking on it.

  • /info

    Get information about PairPal

  • /help

    Get help with PairPal

  • /leaderboard

    View the global leaderboard of the PairPal Network